Instructions for Authors

Authors are strongly advised to read these instructions carefully before submission.

Submission of Papers

Manuscripts should be submitted to the following e-mail: using the template

The authors must obtain copyright clearances for all figures and tables not created by themselves and taken from already published documents.

Upon the submission, the authors must suggest at least two reviewers.

General Instructions

The journal Chemia Naissensis intends to publish research papers, short communications, reviews, mini-reviews and book and website reviews from all fields of chemistry and related disciplines. The results presented in the papers should be original material that has not been published before or submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere in English or any other language.

Types of contributions

Research paper(up to 20 typewritten pages) original research not previously published.
Short communication(up to 10 typewritten pages) unpublished preliminary results of significant importance for rapid publication.
Review(up to 50 typewritten pages) a critical view of a specific research area (upon the invitation of the Editor-in-Chief).
Mini-Review(up to 25 typewritten pages) a short review of a specific re­search area.
Book and Website reviews(1 ‑ 2 pages)
Popular scientific and expert articles(up to 5 typewritten pages )

Submission of a manuscript implies that:

  • it has not been published previously (except as a conference abstract or part of a published lecture or academic thesis),
  • it is not under consideration for publication in any other journals, and
  • it will not be published in the same form without the written consent of the publisher.

Peer review

Chemia Naissensis adopted a single anonymized review process. The submission is initially assessed by editor-in-chief to determine suitability for publication in the journal. If the submission is suitable, it is sent to a proper section editor who invites minimum two reviewers for an independent expert assessment of the scientific quality. The decision as to whether the article is accepted or rejected in on the editor-in-chief.

The editor-in-chief is not involved in making decisions about papers which:

  • have been written by herself,
  • relate to products or services in which she has an interest.

In such situations the decision will be made by deputy editor.

Preparation of manuscripts

„The template“ should be used during the technical preparation process.
Papers must be written in clear and concise English.

Manuscripts must include the following sections in the order listed:

  • Title Page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Experimental
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgment (if any)
  • Conflict-of-Interest Statement
  • Informed Consent Statement (if any)
  • Human and Animal Rights Statement (if any)
  • References
  • Abstract in Serbian (for Serbian speaking authors; for the others, Editorial team will provide the translation)
  • Abstract in French (it will be provided by Editorial team if needed)
  • Abstract in Russian (it will be provided by Editorial team if needed)
  • Abstract in German (it will be provided by the Editorial team, if needed)

  1. Title page

    The title page should contain the following:

    • Title of the paper (symbols, formulas, and abbreviations are not recommended); Times New Roman 16, Bold
    • Running title of the paper (symbols, formulas, and abbreviations are not recommended); Times New Roman 14, Bold (max 50 characters)
    • Full names of the authors; In the multi-affiliation manuscript, the affiliations of all authors should be clearly cited using superscript Arabic numbers after the author`s name and before given address; Times New Roman 12, bold
    • Full names of the institutions (University, Faculty, Department) and postal addresses of all institutions/authors; Times New Roman 12, italic
    • List with full names of the authors, their e-mail addresses and ORCID numbers
    • A footnote should consist of an address and e-mail address for the corresponding author
    • Authors’ suggestions for the manuscript categorization.

  2. Abstract

    An Abstract should be placed on the second page. It should consist of a concise summary of the objective, the main results, and conclusion. The manuscript will include an Abstract written in Serbian, French, Russian and German at the end of the paper (after References). The authors whose native language is Serbian, French, Russian, or German are kindly invited to write the abstract in their mother tongue. If this is not the case, the Editorial Board will provide the translation of an Abstract from English into Serbian, French, Russian, and German. The Abstract should be shorter than 250 words.

    Up to six keywords should be provided after Abstracts, avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts (e.g. “and”, “of”).

  3. Introduction

    This section should contain previous relevant work with proper references, the investigated problem and the aim of the work.

  4. Experimental

    This section should include a concise description of the materials, procedures, and equipment used. New methods and techniques should be described in details while already known methods must be properly referenced.

  5. Results and Discussion

    Results and Discussion should be written as one combined section in order to simplify the presentation. Results should be presented concisely, and the discussion should provide the authors’ interpretation of the significance of the obtained results.

  6. Conclusion

    This section must not be solely the repetition of the content of the abstract. It must concisely and clearly explain the significance of the results obtained in the presented work.

  7. Acknowledgments

    Please name all people and organizations help in funding or improving your work and the manuscript.

  8. Conflict-of-Interest Statement

    All authors must report any financial and/or personal relationships that could decrease the influence of their work. The examples of potential conflicts of interest are: consultancies, employment, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/ registrations, stock ownership, and grants or other funding. If no interests exist, then please state: 'Declarations of interest: none'.

  9. Informed Consent Statement

    It is important that all participants in performed studies give their informed consent in writing before inclusion in the study. Identification details of the studied participants should not be published (descriptions, photographs, and genetic profiles) unless the information is essential, but the participant must give written informed consent for the publication.

    The following statement should be included at the end of the manuscript before Reference section:

    Informed consent: “Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study.”

  10. Human and Animal Rights Statement

    • Statement of human rights
    • When human participants are involved in the study, authors must write a statement that the performed studies have been approved by the appropriate institutional and/or national research ethics committee and have been carried out in accordance with the ethical standards (1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards).
      The following statements should be included in the text before the References section:
      Ethical approval:“All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.”
    • Statement on the welfare of animals
    • In the case when experiments were performed on animals, authors must indicate whether the international, national, and/or institutional guidelines for the care and use of animals have been followed and that the studies have been approved by a research ethics committee at the institution or practice at which the studies were conducted.
      For studies with animals’ use, the following statement should be included in the text before the References section:
      Ethical approval: “All applicable international, national, and/or institutional guidelines for the care and use of animals were followed.”
      If articles do not contain studies with human participants or animals by any of the authors, please use the following statement:
      “This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by any of the authors.”

  11. References

    Please be sure that the references cited in the text are also placed in the list of references and vice versa.

    List: References should be first arranged alphabetically by the surname of the first author, and then sorted chronologically (if necessary). If there are more references from the same author(s) published in the same year, they must be identified by the letters ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, etc., placed after the year of publication.


    Reference to a journal publication: Fernandez-Mar, M. I., Mateos, R.., Garcia-Parilla, M. C., Puertas, B., & Cantos-Villar, E. (2012). Bioactive compounds in wine: resveratrol, hydroxytyrosol and melatonin: a review. Food Chemistry, 130, 797–813.

    Reference to a book: Cook, D. B. (1974). Ab initio valence calculations in chemistry. (1st ed.). Butterworths.

    Reference to the chapter in the edited book: Arsic, B.., Dimitrijevic, D. & Kostic, D. (2016). Mineral and vitamin fortification. In A. M. Grumazescu (Ed.), Nutraceuticals: nanotechnology in the agri-food industry (pp. 1–40). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

    Reference to a website: Chemistry International. “Heavy Metals”-A Meaningless Term. (2001)..

    Tables should provide complementary content, and not duplicate the information presented in the figures and text. The text must contain the description of all the tables. Tables can be shown within the text. They have to be prepared by “Insert Table” tool incorporated in all MS Word text processors.

    Figures and illustrations
    Figures and illustrations should be placed in the text with the original resolution of at least 300 dpi.

    Naming of compounds and representation of data using graphs
    The naming of compounds must follow IUPAC recommendations. SI units, or other permissible units, should be used. Physical quantities must be written in italic throughout the text. The indexes and units (except for indexes having the meaning of physical quantities) must be provided in upright letters. In graphs and tables, please use a slash to separate the physical quantity from the unit. Axes of graphs should not be used for the additional explanations. The name of the axis should follow the direction of the axis.

    Abbreviations and symbols
    Please do not use not very well known abbreviations in the abstract. The abbreviation should be explained upon its first mention in the text.

    Plants, animals, and microorganisms
    Latin names of plants, animals and the microorganisms must be written in italic.