Besplatan, bezbedan, brz i jednostavan pristup Internetu !
eduroam® – educational roaming je besplatan servis za pristup Internetu. Svojim korisnicima omogućava bezbedan, brz i jednostavan pristup Internetu širom sveta, bez potrebe za otvaranjem dodatnih naloga, uz korišćenje već postojećeg korisničkog imena i lozinke kreiranih na Fakultetu. U toku je implementacija i za studente.
Tako npr. profesor PMF-a, može pristupiti eduroam Internetu na svom fakultetu, ili kada je u poseti bilo kojoj instituciji u Srbiji ili svetu korišćenjem istog korisničkog imena i lozinke. Korisnik ima isti utisak, bez obzira gde pristupa eduroam Internetu.
Korisnici eduroam servisa su studenti i zaposleni u naučno-istraživačkim i obrazovnim institucijama širom sveta. U Srbiji ga mogu koristiti studenti, profesori, predavači, naučnici, istraživači i svi drugi zaposleni u institucijama članicama Akademske mreže Srbije (AMRES).
Zahvaljujući najsavremenijim standardima za enkripciju (WPA2/AES i WPA2/TKIP), korisnicima je zagarantovan visok nivo zaštite privatnosti njihovih podataka.
Pristup Internetu putem eduroam-a je jako jednostavan. Potrebno je samo jednom izvršiti podešavanje na korisničkom uređaju. Uputstva za korišćenje i pristup eduroam servisu možete naći ovde.
eduroam je osim u Srbiji dostupan u brojnim naučno-istraživačkim i obrazovnim institucijama u preko 35 zemalja Evrope i sveta. Mapu sa pristupnim tačkama možete pogledati ovde.
eduroam® – educational roaming is a free service for Internet access. It was developed within the European TERENA initiative and it was realised through the international GÉANT project, in which European academic and research networks are taking part.
To its users, eduroam provides a secure, fast and simple access to the Internet around the world, without the need to open new accounts, using the existing username and password created on the institution where they work or study.
Eduroam users are students and employees of research and education institutions around the world. In Serbia, it can be used by students, professors, teachers, scientists, researchers and other employees of member institutions of the Academic network of Serbia (AMRES).
In Serbia, the eduroam service is provided by AMRES, while the institutions can participate by providing their users with digital identities (user name and password) and/or access to wireless Internet.
Detailed information on the eduroam service are available on www.eduroam.amres.ac.rs.
AUP - Pravilnik o korišćenju Akademske mreže Srbije
Pravilnik o korišćenju Akademske mreže Srbije (AUP – Acceptable Usage Policy) uređuje šta se smatra nedozvoljenim, a šta dozvoljenim korišćenjem AMRES resursa, kao i ostala pitanja koja doprinose njihovom pravilnom korišćenju.
Primena pravilnika je obavezna za sve AMRES korisnike (organizacije i pojedince), kao i za ostale korisnike sa Interneta koji ostvaruju saobraćaj sa Akademskom mrežom Srbije, pa i za eduroam korisnike.
Originalni dokument možete preuzeti i sa ove stranice.
Posledice nepostovanja ovog pravilnika snosi sam korisnik.
Acceptable Usage Policy defines acceptable and non-acceptable use of the Academic Network of Serbia and contributes to the correct use of the Academic Network.
AUP also defines and accepts contract regulations on the use of telecommunicational infrastructure and services assigned for the use of the Academic Network, as well as accepting all policies which AMRES adopted when connecting to other Academic Networks (SEEREN AUP, GEANT AUP) and enrolling in international organisations (such as TERENA, CEENET, etc). Relevant regulations of these documents will be available to AMRES members on this page.
Implementing the regulations of this AUP is obligatory for all AMRES members (institutions and individuals) and users who exchange traffic with AMRES.
The AUP regulation book is available in Serbian only and can be found on this page.