Bachelor studies Analytical chemistry 1 (25 KiB) Analytical chemistry 2 (25 KiB) Analytical chemistry 3 (24 KiB) Biochemistry (26 KiB) Bioinorganic chemistry (26 KiB) Calculations in chemistry (26 KiB) Chemical bond theory (26 KiB) Chemistry of natural products (22 KiB) Chemistry of the senses (22 KiB) Chemistry of transition metals with coordination chemistry (23 KiB) Corrosion and protection of metals (25 KiB) English language B1 (26 KiB) English language B2 (26 KiB) Experimental organic chemistry (25 KiB) Instrumental analytical chemistry (27 KiB) Food chemistry (26 KiB) Fundamentals of materials technology (27 KiB) Fundamentals of environmental chemistry (22 KiB) Fundamentals of industrial chemistry (22 KiB) Fundamentals of inorganic chemistry (26 KiB) General chemistry (26 KiB) History of chemistry (26 KiB) Instrumental methods in organic chemistry (26 KiB) Mathematics (25 KiB) Mineralogy with crystallography (22 KiB) Nomenclature of organic compounds (26 KiB) Organic chemistry 1 (26 KiB) Organic chemistry 2 (26 KiB) Organic chemistry in phenomena around us (24 KiB) Physical Chemistry 1 (25 KiB) Physical Chemistry 2 (26 KiB) Physical Chemistry 3 (23 KiB) Physical chemistry of surfaces (22 KiB) Physics (26 KiB) Preparative organic chemistry (24 KiB) Professional practice (23 KiB) Semi-micro qualitative chemical analysis (25 KiB) Separation Methods in Chemistry 1 (23 KiB) Software application in chemistry (24 KiB) Statistical analysis of results in chemistry (24 KiB)