Doctoral studies Advanced Chemometrics Course (H334C) (21 KiB) Analysis of Organic Pollutants (45 KiB) Asymmetric Syntheses (39 KiB) Atomic Spectroscopy (40 KiB) Chemical equilibria (22 KiB) Chemical Microbiology (41 KiB) Chemistry of Plant Pigments (44 KiB) Chemistry of Surface Processes (46 KiB) Clinical Chemistry Methods of Analysis (43 KiB) Color Chemistry (41 KiB) Conformational Analysis of Biomacromolecules (41 KiB) Contemporary Chromatographic Methods (H327C) (20 KiB) Doctoral Dissertation (H353C) (20 KiB) Experimental Biochemistry (43 KiB) Humic Substances in the Environment (43 KiB) Identification of Natural Products (43 KiB) Independent research work (H351C) (20 KiB) Instrumental Analysis 1 (42 KiB) Instrumental Analysis 2 (43 KiB) Instrumental Methods of Analysis of Selected Groups of Organic Compounds (43 KiB) Isolation of Secondary Metabolites (39 KiB) Metrics of Color (40 KiB) Modern electroanalytical methods of analysis (H333C) (20 KiB) Modern organic syntheses (H305C) (20 KiB) Modern Water Purification Processes (H337C) (21 KiB) Molecular Modeling in Organic Chemistry (44 KiB) Molecular Spectroscopy (51 KiB) Monitoring of Polluting Substances (40 KiB) Multidisciplinary Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry (41 KiB) Nanostructured Materials (45 KiB) Physical Organic Chemistry (41 KiB) Process Equilibrium and Kinetics (H329C) (20 KiB) Remediation technologies (H336C) (21 KiB) Research Paper 2 (H348C) (20 KiB) Scientific research paper 2 (H350) (20 KiB) Scientific research work 1 (H349C) (20 KiB) Secondary metabolites as biomarkers (H311C) (20 KiB) Selected Chapters in General Chemistry (H316C) (21 KiB) Selected Chapters of Applied Inorganic Chemistry (H320C) (20 KiB) Selected chapters of bioinorganic chemistry (21 KiB) Selected chapters of coordination chemistry (H319C) (20 KiB) Selected chapters of environmental chemistry (H341C) (21 KiB) Selected chapters of geochemistry (H315C) (20 KiB) Selected chapters of inorganic chemistry (H317C) (21 KiB) Selected Chapters of Physical Chemistry (H330C) (21 KiB) Selected Chapters of Separation Methods in Chemistry (25 KiB) Selected Chapters of Supramolecular Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry (44 KiB) Selected chapters of techniques and methods characterization of inorganic compounds (20 KiB) Selected Chapters of Water Purification and Disinfection (H346C) (21 KiB) Selected Topics of Optical and Related Methods of Chemical Analysis (42 KiB) Study Research Paper 1 (H347C) (20 KiB) Subject of doctoral dissertation (H352C) (20 KiB) Surface-active substances (H340C) (20 KiB) Two-Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (2D NMR) (39 KiB)