Dr Marija S. Cvetković

Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics

  • Cvetković, Marija. 2023. “Comparison of F -Contraction and φ -Contractions.” 12(451): 3951–61.
  • Karapinar, Erdal, and Marija Cvetković. 2023. “Remarks on Some Generalizations of Θ-Contraction.” UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics 85(2): 31–42.
  • Cvetković, Marija. 2022. “The Relation between F-Contraction and Meir–Keeler Contraction.” Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas 2022 117:1 117(1): 1–8. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13398-022-01373-8
  • Cvetković, Marija.2022.”On JC-Contraction”Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 2022 vol. 23 (6) : 1255-1260
  • Cvetković, M. (2021). Morphometric analysis of the sella turcica in subjects with different vertical growth patterns – a cephalometric study. HOMO, 72(3), 215–227.