Dr Ninoslav M. Golubović


Departman za geografiju i turizam

Dr Ninoslav M. Golubović

Dr Ninoslav M. Golubović



kabinet 408

018/533 015, lok.127


Ninoslav Golubović was born in Nis on 11 June 1973. He completed primary and secondary school in Niš with excellent results. In the school year 1992/93, he began regular studies at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Pristina. He graduated in December 1996 with an average grade of 9.08. He enrolled in postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, specializing in social geography. He defended his master's thesis entitled "Niš and its spatial sphere of Influence" in 2005. The doctoral thesis entitled "Contemporary demographic development of the Nišava District" was defended at the Department of Geography, Tourism, and Hotel Management at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics at the University of Novi Sad. He has been working at the Faculty of Natural Sciences since 1 October 2002, when he was elected as an assistant in education. In 2007, he was elected assistant for close science