Dr Stefan P. Stanimirović
Vanredni profesor
Departman za računarske nauke
Personal information
- Date and place of birth: September 1, 1989, Leskovac, Serbia
- Work Address: University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Computer Science, Višegradska 33, P. O. Box 224, 18000 Niš, Serbia
- Contact Phone: +381 60 4884866 (Mobile) | +381 18 533014 (Office)
- Email: stefan.stanimirovic@pmf.edu.rs | stanimirovic.stefan@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/stefanstanimirovic/
- Research Gate: researchgate.net/profile/Stefan-Stanimirovic
- ORCID: 0000-0003-3126-1265
- Scopus Author ID: 26656272800
- University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics (2013 – 2019)
Ph.D. in Computer Science Niš, Serbia
Ph.D. Thesis: Improved algorithms for determinization of fuzzy and weighted automata (in Serbian)
Thesis supervisor: Miroslav Ćirić - University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics (2011 – 2013)
Master in Computer Science Niš, Serbia
Master Thesis: Fuzzy relation inequalities and applications (in Serbian)
Thesis supervisor: Jelena Ignjatović - University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics (2008 – 2011)
Bachelor in Computer Science Niš, Serbia
- Assistant Professor June 2020 – Present
University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics Niš, Serbia
Practical classes in the following courses:
• Mobile application development, M.Sc., Master 4.0 (2020 - Present)
• Web application development, M.Sc., Master 4.0 (2020 - Present)
• Web Programming, B.Sc., Department of Computer Science (2020 - Present)
• Electronic Publishing, B.Sc., Department of Computer Science (2020 - Present)
• Theory of Information and Coding, M.Sc., Department of Computer Science (2020 - Present)
• Introduction to Object - Oriented Programming, B.Sc., Department of Physics (2020 - Present)
• Basics of Computing, B.Sc., Department of Physics (2020 - Present)
- Teaching Assistant April 2015 – June 2020
University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics Niš, Serbia
Practical classes in the following courses:
• Web Programming, B.Sc., Department of Computer Science (2016 - 2020)
• Electronic Publishing, B.Sc., Department of Computer Science (2015 - 2020)
• Theory of Information and Coding, M.Sc., Department of Computer Science (2015 - 2020)
• Introduction to Object - Oriented Programming, B.Sc., Department of Physics (2016 - 2020)
• Basics of Computing, B.Sc., Department of Physics (2016 - 2020)
• Introduction to web programming, B.Sc., Department of Computer Science (2016 - 2019)
- Secondary education teaching professor September 2018 – Present
Gymnasium ”Svetozar Marković” Niš, Serbia
• Professor in the department for children talented in mathematicians, for the course “Programming and
programming languages”
- Secondary education teaching professor January 2015 – June 2016
Gymnasium ”Bora Stanković” Niš, Serbia
• Professor in the department for children gifted for computer science, for courses “Programming” and “Programming
and programming languages”
- Software Developer January 2015 – April 2015
Stankovićsoft Niš, Serbia
• Developing web applications using multiple programming paradigms, including PHP, MySql, Javascript, Zend
Framework, Yii Framework
- Software Developer October 2013 – January 2015
Betech Belgrade, Serbia
• Developing web applications using multiple programming paradigms, including PHP, MySql, Javascript, Magento,
Yii Framework, Zend Framework
Publications and oral presentations
Journal articles
- S. Stanimirović, I. Micić, M. Ćirić, Approximate Bisimulations for Fuzzy Automata over Complete Heyting Algebras, IEEE Transactions of Fuzzy Systems (2020), doi: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2020.3039968.
- A. Stamenković, S. Stanimirović, V. Halava, Certain linear and weakly linear systems of matrix equations over semirings. Applications in a state reduction of weighted automata., Filomat (2020), To appear.
- S. Stanimirović, A. Stamenković, M. Ćirić, Improved Algorithms for Computing the Greatest Right and Left Invariant Boolean Matrices and Their Application, Filomat 33 (9) (2019) 2809 – 2831.
- S. Stanimirović, M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, Determinization of fuzzy automata by factorizations of fuzzy states and right invariant fuzzy quasi-orders, Information Sciences 469 (2018) 79 – 100.
- I. Micić, Z. Jančić, S. Stanimirović, Computation of the greatest right and left invariant fuzzy quasi-orders and fuzzy equivalences, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 339 (2018) 99 – 118.
- S. Stanimirović, P. Stanimirović, A. Ilić, Ballot matrix as Catalan matrix power and related identities, Discrete Applied Mathematics 160 (2012), 344 – 351.
- S. Stanimirović, A matrix approach to the Binomial theorem, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, vol. 64, no. 11 (2012), pp. 1578 – 1584.
- P. Stanimirović, S. Stanimirović, Inversion of Catalan matrix plus one, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 35 (2011), 497 – 505.
- S. Stanimirović, Some identities on Catalan numbers and hypergeometric functions via Catalan matrix power, Applied Mathematics and Computation 217 (2011), 9122 – 9132.
- S. Stanimirović, A generalization of the Pascal matrix and its properties, Facta Universitatis: Series Math. Inform. 26 (2011), 17 – 27.
- P. Stanimirović, S. Stanimirović, Inverting linear combinations of identity and generalized Catalan matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications 433 (2010), 1472 – 1480.
- S. Stanimirović, P. Stanimirović, M. Miladinović, A. Ilić, Catalan matrix and related combinatorial identities, Applied Mathematics and Computation. 215 (2009), 796 – 805.
Conference talks
- S. Stanimirović, I. Micić, M. Ćirić, Approximate simulation and bisimulation relations for fuzzy automata, 10th International Workshop Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications, 2021 (Online)
- I. Micić, S. Stanimirović, Z. Jančić, Blockmodeling of fuzzy transition systems using approximate regular relations, 10th International Workshop Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications, 2021 (Online)
- S. Stanimirović, M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, Algorithms for Computing Complete Deterministic Fuzzy Automata via Invariant Fuzzy Quasi-Orders, 9th International Workshop Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications, 2018, Leipzig, Germany.
- A. Stamenković, S. Stanimirović, Certain Systems of Matrix Equations over Semirings. Applications in a State Reduction of Weighted Automata, 9th International Workshop Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications, 2018, Leipzig, Germany.
- Z. Jančić, I. Jančić, S. Stanimirović, Computation of the Greatest Right and Left Invariant Fuzzy Quasi-Orders and Fuzzy Equivalences, 9th International Workshop Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications, 2018, Leipzig, Germany.
- S. Stanimirović, M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, An improvement of the determinization of fuzzy finite automata via factorization of fuzzy states, 7th Conference on Algebraic Informatics - CAI 2017, At Kalamata, Greece.
- S. Stanimirović, M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, Determinization methods for fuzzy automata based on factorizations of fuzzy states, The 5th International Scientific Conference: Analysis, Topology, Algebra: Theory and Applications (ATA 2016)
Participation in research projects
- Development of methods of computation and information processing: theory and applications (2015 – Present)
• Grant Number: 174013
• Funder: Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia
• Holder: University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics
• Project leader: Miroslav Ćirić (University of Niš)
- Bilateral Erasmus+ KA103 (STA) Project with National and Kapodistrian Universty of Athens (2019)
Academic service
- Reviewed for Journals: 2014 – Present
• Fuzzy Sets and Systems (Elsevier)
• International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (Springer)
• Discrete Mathematics (Elsevier)
• Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences (University of Central Missouri, Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science)
• Ars Combinatoria, a Canadian Journal of Combinatorics (Charles Babbage Research Centre, Canada)
- Techical editor for Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics 2021 – Present
• Preparing accepted manuscripts for printing in the journal Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and
Informatics, published by University of Niš, Serbia
Study visits
- National and Kapodistrian Universty of Athens 28 March 2019 - 1 July 2019
• Study visit within the framework of the Ph.D. thesis
- Annual Award of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in the field of computing for PhD. students (2020)
• Issuer: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
• Award for the best defended doctoral dissertation in the field of computer science
- Best Student Award 2010
• Issuer: University of Niš
• Award for the best student of Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics
- Languages: Serbian: Native, English: Upper-intermediate (B2), German: Beginner (A1)
- Coding: C/C++, C#, JavaScript, PHP, Java, SQL, Cloud Firestore, LATEX, HTML/CSS
- Frameworks: Node.js, Yii Framework, Zend Framework, WordPress
- Developer Tools: Git, Overleaf, Google Cloud Platform, VS Code, Visual Studio, Eclipse