Stojanovic, M., Bilić, N., Dimitrijevic, D. D., Djordjevic, G. S., & Milosevic, M. (2023). Tachyon constant-roll inflation in Randall-Sundrum II cosmology. International Journal of Modern Physics A, 38(32).
Addazi, A., Alvarez-Muniz, J., Alves Batista, R., Amelino-Camelia, G., Antonelli, V., Arzano, M., Asorey, M., Atteia, J. L., Bahamonde, S., Bajardi, F., Ballesteros, A., Baret, B., Barreiros, D. M., Basilakos, S., Benisty, D., Birnholtz, O., Blanco-Pillado, J. J., Blas, D., Bolmont, J., … Zornoza, J. D. (2022). Quantum gravity phenomenology at the dawn of the multi-messenger era—A review. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 125, 103948.
N.O. Vesić, D.D. Dimitrijević and D.J. Simjanović,Generalized Riemannian Spaces with Respect to 4-Velocity Vectors and Functions of State Parameters, FILOMAT, (M20) vol.Vol. 34 (2020)
N. Bilić, D.D. Dimitrijević, G.S. Djordjevic, M. Milošević and M. Stojanović,Tachyon inflation in the holographic braneworld, JCAP, (M20) vol.08, 034 (2019)
D.D. Dimitrijevic, N. Bilić, G.S. Djordjevic, M. Milosevic and M. Stojanovic,Tachyon scalar field in a braneworld cosmology, International Journal of Modern Physics A, (M20) vol.Vol. 33, No. 34 (2018) 1845017.
N. Bilić, D.D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic and M. Milosevic,Tachyon inflation in an AdS braneworld with backreaction, International Journal of Modern Physics A, (M20) vol.Vol. 32, No. 05 (2017) 1750039.
D.D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic and M. Milosevic,Classicalization аnd Quantization оf Tachyon-Like Matter оn (Non)Archimedean Spaces, Romanian Reports in Physics, (M20) vol.vol. 68, No. 1 (2016) 5-18.
G.S. Djordjevic, D.D. Dimitrijevic and M. Milosevic,On Canonical Transformation and Tachyon-like „Particles“ in Inflationary Cosmology, Romanian Journal of Physics, (M20) vol. vol. 61, No. 1-2 (2016) 99-109.
M. Milosevic, D.D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic and M.D. Stojanovic,Dynamics of tachyon fields and inflation - comparison of analytical and numerical results with observation, Serbian Astronomical Journal, (M20) (2016) 1-8.
D.D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic, M. Milosevic and D. Vulcanov,Quantization of Tachyon-Like Matter, Abstract Book of the Physics Conference TIM2013, 21-24 November 2013, Timisoara, Romania, Ed. Claudiu Biris, (M30) (2013) 98.
D.D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic, D. Mladenov and S. Varbev,On the Quantization of a p-Adic Calogero-Moser Model on Nonarchimedean Spaces, Abstract Book of the Physics Conference TIM2013, 21-24 November 2013, Timisoara, Romania, Ed. Claudiu Biris, (M30) (2013) 84.
Д.Д. Димитријевић, Г.С. Ђорђевић и М. Милошевић,Инфлаторни космолошки модели са тахионским пољем, Зборник радова са XII Конгреса физичара Србије, 28 април-2. мај 2013, Врњачка Бања, (M60) (2013) 371-374.
G.S. Djordjevic, D.D. Dimitrijevic and Milan Milosevic,Bilateral vs. Multilateral Cooperation in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics in an Italian-Serbian Context, Proc. Book of the Status and Perspectives of the Scientific and Technological Bilateral Cooperation, Edited by P. Battinelli and M. Ivetić, University of Belgrade, (M30) (2013) 78-82.
D.D. Dimitrijevic and Milan Milosevic,About non Standard Lagrangians in Cosmology, AIP Conf. Proc., (M30) vol.1472 (2012) 41-46. [ doi: 10.1063/1.4748066]
D.D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic and Lj. Nesic,On p-Adic Pseudodifferential Operator(s), Physics AUC, (M50) vol.vol. 21 (2011) 242-248.
G.S. Djordjevic, Lj. Nesic, D.D. Dimitrijevic and M. Milosevic,On Milne Universe in Quantum Cosmology, AIP Conf. Proc., (M30) vol.1387 (2011) 5-16. [ doi: 10.1063/1.3647047]
D.D. Dimitrijevic and M. Milosevic,About non Standard Lagrangians in Cosmology, Book of Abstracts, Physics Conference TIM2011, 24-27 November, 2011, Timisoara, Romania, Editor(s): Madalin Bunoiu, Nicolae Avram, Claudiu G. Biris, (M30) (2011) 2.
G.S. Djordjevic and D.D. Dimitrijevic,Multiple Universe and Multiple Reality!?, Physics AUC, (M30) vol.Vol. 20 (part 1) (2010) 9-19.
G.S. Djordjevic, Lj.D. Nesic and D.D. Dimitrijevic,Nonlocality and Noncommutativity in Tachyonic Inflation, Abstract Book of the Conference Invisible Universe, France, (M30) (2009) 2.
G.S. Djordjevic, Lj. D. Nesic and D.D. Dimitrijevic,p-Adic and DBI-type Tachyons, Abstract Book of the The Fourth International Conference on p-Adic Mathematical Physics - p-ADIC MATHPHYS.2009, Belarus, 2009, Eds. A. Radyna and Y. Radyna, (M30) (2009) 11.
D.D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic, M. Milosevic and Lj. Nesic,Notes on Real and p-Adic Inflation , Abstract Book of the SSSCP2009, Spring School on Strings, Cosmology and Particles, Serbia, 2009, Eds. M. Cirkovic, G.S. Djordjevic and Lj. Nesic, (M30) (2009) 19-20.
D. D. Dimitrijevic, G. S. Djordjevic and Lj. Nesic,Quantum Cosmology and Tachyons, Fortschritte der Physik, (M20) vol.Vol. 56, No. 4-5 (2008) 412-417. [ doi: 10.1002/prop.200710513]
D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic and Lj. D. Nesic,On Tachyon-like Phenomena in Classical and Quantum Physics, Physics AUC, (M30) vol.Vol. 18 (2008) 166-177.
D. Dimitrijević, G.S. Đorđević, Lj. Nešić,Quantum Cosmology on Ultrametric and Noncommutative Spaces, Journal of Research in Physics, (M50) vol.Vol. 31, No. 2 (2007) 122-125.
D.D. Dimitrijevic and G.S. Djordjevic,Zero Dimensional Field Theory of Tachyon Matter, AIP Conf. Proc., (M30) vol.899 (2007) 359-360. [ doi: 10.1063/1.2733185]
D. Dimitrijevic, G.S. Djordjevic and Lj. Nesic,On Green Function for the Free Particle, Filomat, (M20) vol.21:2 (2007) 251-260.
Vesić, N. O., Dimitrijević, D. D., & Simjanović, D. J. (2021). Generalized riemannian spaces with respect to 4-velocity vectors and functions of state parameters. Filomat, 35(5), 1519–1541.
Milošević, M., Bilić, N., Dimitrijević, D. D., Djordjević, G. S., & Stojanović, M. (2019). Numerical calculation of hubble hierarchy parameters and observational parameters of inflation. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2075(1), 090009.
Dimitrijevic, D. D., Dimitrijevic, M. A., Djordjevic, G. S., & Milosevic, M. (2019). On tachyonic inflaton with constraints. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2071(1), 020008.
Vuković, G., Aničić Urošević, M., Škrivanj, S., Milićević, T., Dimitrijević, D., Tomašević, M., & Popović, A. (2016). Moss bag biomonitoring of airborne toxic element decrease on a small scale: A street study in Belgrade, Serbia. Science of The Total Environment, 542, 394–403.
Milošević, M., Dimitrijević, D. D., Djordjević, G. S., & Stojanović, M. D. (2016). Dynamics of tachyon fields and inflation - comparison of analytical and numerical results with observation. Serbian Astronomical Journal, 2016(192), 1–8.
Dimitrijević, D. D., Djordjević, G. S., Milošević, M., Dimitrijevi´c, D. D., Djordjevi´cdjordjevi´c, G. S., Miloševi´c, M. M., & Vulcanov, D. (2015). On classical and quantum dynamics of tachyon-like fields and their cosmological implications. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1634(1), 9.
Dimitrijević, D. D., Djordjević, G. S., Milošević, M., Dimitrijevi´c, D. D., Djordjevi´cdjordjevi´c, G. S., Miloševi´c, M. M., & Vulcanov, D. (2015). On classical and quantum dynamics of tachyon-like fields and their cosmological implications. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1634(1), 9.
Dr Dragoljub D. Dimitrijević
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